neuralmonkey.model.gradient_blocking module

Module that blocks gradient propagation to model parts.

class neuralmonkey.model.gradient_blocking.SpatialStatefulView(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.SpatialStateful) → None

Bases: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.SpatialStateful

Provides a gradient-blocking view of a SpatialStateful object.

__init__(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.SpatialStateful) → None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return a list of attribute names regarded as dependents.


Return mask for the spatial_states.

A 3D Tensor of shape (batch, width, height) of type float32 which masks the spatial states that they can be of different shapes. The mask should only contain ones or zeros.


Return object states in space.

A 4D Tensor of shape (batch, width, height, state_size) which contains the states of the object in space (e.g. final layer of a convolution network processing an image.

class neuralmonkey.model.gradient_blocking.StatefulView(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.Stateful) → None

Bases: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.Stateful

Provides a gradient-blocking view of a Stateful object.

__init__(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.Stateful) → None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return a list of attribute names regarded as dependents.


Return the object output.

A 2D Tensor of shape (batch, state_size) which contains the resulting state of the object.

class neuralmonkey.model.gradient_blocking.TemporalStatefulView(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.TemporalStateful) → None

Bases: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.TemporalStateful

Provides a gradient-blocking view of a TemporalStateful object.

__init__(blocked_object: neuralmonkey.model.stateful.TemporalStateful) → None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return a list of attribute names regarded as dependents.


Return mask for the temporal_states.

A 2D Tensor of shape (batch, time) of type float32 which masks the temporal states so each sequence can have a different length. It should only contain ones or zeros.


Return object states in time.

A 3D Tensor of shape (batch, time, state_size) which contains the states of the object in time (e.g. hidden states of a recurrent encoder.