neuralmonkey.trainers.objective module

class neuralmonkey.trainers.objective.CostObjective(decoder: neuralmonkey.model.model_part.GenericModelPart, weight: Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, float, NoneType] = None) → None

Bases: neuralmonkey.trainers.objective.Objective

Cost objective class.

This class represent objectives that are based directly on a cost attribute of any compatible model part.

__init__(decoder: neuralmonkey.model.model_part.GenericModelPart, weight: Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, float, NoneType] = None) → None

Construct a new instance of the CostObjective class.

  • decoder – A GenericModelPart instance that has a cost attribute.
  • weight – The weight of the objective.
  • TypeError when the decoder argument does not have the cost
  • attribute.

Return the loss tensor fetched by the trainer.


Return the weight of this objective.

The loss will be multiplied by this so the gradients can be controlled in case of multiple objectives.

Returns:An optional tensor. If None, default weight of 1 is assumed.
class neuralmonkey.trainers.objective.Objective(name: str, decoder: MP) → None

Bases: typing.Generic

The training objective base class.

__init__(name: str, decoder: MP) → None

Construct the objective.

Parameters:name – The name for the objective. This will be used e.g. in TensorBoard.

Get the decoder used by the objective.


Manually specified gradients - useful for reinforcement learning.


Return the loss tensor fetched by the trainer.


Get the name of the objective.


Return the weight of this objective.

The loss will be multiplied by this so the gradients can be controlled in case of multiple objectives.

Returns:An optional tensor. If None, default weight of 1 is assumed.